Vion Food chooses the Comsys IVR’s for Belgium and Germany Eindhoven, Soesterberg, September 2012 – The Vion Food Group with its Headquarters based in the Netherlands has chosen Comsys for the new platforms and services in Belgium and Germany. Vion Food is already...
IP Payments chooses Comsys IVR for their PCI DSS payment gateway Melbourne, Auckland, Soesterberg, August 2011 – Innovative solutions provider IP Payments has chosen the IVR system of Comsys Telecom & Media B.V. for their innovative payments and PCI DSS compliant...
Thuiszorg Service Nederland chooses the Comsys IVR Almelo, Soesterberg, July 2011 – Thuiszorg Service Nederland (Home Care Service Netherlands) has chosen the IVR system of Comsys Telecom & Media B.V. for automated registration of visits. Thuiszorg Service...